Bhaisajya Kaala | Food Dosing Strategy in Ayurveda

Ayurveda does not just talk about foods that one should have , but its explain when and how. Below article is about different eleven food dosing strategy in Ayurveda mentioned in Charak samhita.

The dosing looks complicated in Ayurveda because number of factors impact on it. Depending upon various elements, including the ailment being dealt with and the particular doshas under-lying the pathology, following are the lists of the methods used in Ayurveda.

  1. Abhakta: recommended portion is taken on an empty stomach; abhakta is the most powerful of dosing systems, by and large saved for kaphaja conditions or generally strong patients. This is not recommended for someone with a chronic disease or weak. Scientific argument:- Food interacts at different phases of the pharmacokinetic process (related research 1). Someone who already have chronic disease or weak, we need to be really careful about understanding the biochemistry of everything that we prescribe and try to put our body's physiology as normal as we can. If we start with some high potency medicines or drugs the body's reflexes and mechanism for digestion is altered. Which can severely impact on gut health.
  1. Praagbhakta: recommended portion is taken before suppers to address apana vayu(research 2) and to decrease medas (fat).

    Among five vata doshasapana vayu isresponsible for eliminations of waste products as well as fetus
    Research link 2

  1. Madhyabakta: recommended portion is taken with suppers, demonstrated in stomach related issue to address samaana vaayu and pittaja conditions.

    Function of Samanavayu varies by different Acharya. It is primarily responsible for stimulation of agni and leads to digestion, absorption, separation of essence and waste material. Research link 3


  1. Adhobakta: recommended portion is taken after dinners, to apply a brihmhana(norishment) impact, in the disease of upper parts of body, and in scatters of vyaana and udaana vaayu.

    Vyana vata performs the functions like gati, rasa rakta paribhramana, anna aswadana, sweda sravana. The function of vyana vayu is interdependent on other subtype of vata. It can be partially correlated with somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system. Research link 4

    Function of Udanavayu varies by different Acharya and it is not limited to any particular part or system. It is primarily responsible for Vakutpatti and its functions can be interrelated with different structures at cellular level to organism level as Vatadosha is involved in all type of systemic activity.Research link 5
  2. Samabhakta: recommended portion is taken blended in with nourishment, demonstrated in pediatric and geriatric grumblings, in patients experiencing poor craving or shortcoming, in situations where there is an antipathy for taking the medicine, or where the sickness has spread all through the body.


  1. Antaraabhakta: recommended portion is taken after the noontime supper, showed in scatters of vyaana vata and in patients with generally great assimilation.


  1. Saamudga: recommended portion is taken when a little supper, showed in scatters of vaata, for example, tremor, fit and spasms.


  1. Muhuh Muhuh : recommended medicine is taken as often as possible for the duration of the day, independent of meal time, in dyspnoea, vomiting , thirst and poisoning.


  1. Sagraasa : recommended portion is taken with the main piece of a supper, used to upgrade absorption with diapana dravyas and while endorsing vajikarana dravyas.


  1. Graasaantara: recommended drug is taken in isolated portions between every piece of nourishment, during the night dinner, demonstrated in scatters of praanha vaayu and in sicknesses of the heart.


  1. Nishaa: recommended portion is taken just before sleep time, in the treatment of EENT sicknesses, to apply a brhimhana impact, and to advance a serene rest.

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